
SimplBooks offers a variety of interfaces with external systems and more options are constantly being added. To monitor receivables and payments, SimplBooks can be interfaced with all major banks in Estonia. To send and receive e-invoices, there are interfaces of various e-invoice operators. For smaller online stores, there is a semi-automatic online store integration to import orders into SimplBooks. And there is much more…

  • bank interfaces (SEB, Swedbank, LHV)
  • e-invoice operators (FinBite, Envoice, Telema)
  • expense document apps (CostPocket)
  • online stores (WooCommerce, Shopify, PrestaShop)
  • interface with the Tax Board to submit VAT returns
  • EDI operator (Telema)
  • plus API…
Creating new sales invoice

Bank interfaces

Free interfaces with major banks in Estonia (LHV, SEB, Swedbank). Each morning, the previous day’s transactions of your company are automatically imported into SimplBooks. If you have also enabled automatic processing, the system will try to automatically process and store all incoming transactions. In the event of errors, you can review and approve any problematic transactions.

Online store interfaces

Use the interfaces of the most popular online stores – it takes just a few clicks to upload the sales orders of your online store to SimplBooks and convert them into invoices. SimplBooks supports WooCommerce, Shopify and PrestaShop. When importing sales orders, they are stored as sales invoices, which means that SimplBooks will make entries and generate PDF files for them.


Send various expense documents and reports in a digitised machine-readable format directly to SimplBooks where you can conveniently convert them into accounting documents with just a few clicks. If you do not yet have a CostPocket account, you can sign up in SimplBooks. Up to five documents per month are completely free.

Telema EDI

Are you a small producer or do you sell finished products to larger retail chains? In most cases, larger retail chains want order and sales documents digitally. SimplBooks makes it possible with the Telema EDI interface. In order to activate the interface, you must first contact Telema. You can use both the 2DOC and 4DOC solution.

Tax Board interface

Submitting VAT returns has never been easier. Once the interface is activated, this is what your workflow will look like: First, make sure that all sales and purchase documents of the previous period (month) have been entered into SimplBooks. Check that you have used the correct VAT rates. Next, open the VAT return form. Once you have reviewed the form and its annexes, you can send the declaration to the Estonian Tax and Customs Board with a single click.

E-invoice operators

SimplBooks can be interfaced with multiple e-invoice operators: Envoice, FinBite and Telema. Interfacing with an operator allows you to import your company’s incoming e-invoices directly into SimplBooks. Naturally, importing is done automatically every morning. Using e-invoices significantly reduces the time spent on accounting.

Third party solutions

In addition to the interfaces offered by SimplBooks, the API functionality allows you to use interfaces created by third parties. We have included some of the options on our interfaces page, such as the Webshopper online store solution developed in Estonia or the slightly more powerful WooCommerce solution by

API functionality

If the existing interfaces are not enough for you, the API functionality allows you to create or order an interface to any of your company’s information systems that is fully customised to your company’s needs. Be it synchronisation of business partner data, automatic generation of sales invoices or monitoring inventory.

Marit Meierau, accountant (Randemar OÜ)

‘I find SimplBooks to be a very logical program. It was easy to learn and performing various actions is convenient. I use a large part of its functionality – sales, purchase, salaries, expense reports, fixed assets, accounting reports. All data can be filtered, which makes finding information quick in any field. The bank interface is such a convenient function – you no longer have to download the bank file, as everything is automatic. It links invoices paid from the bank with the client, all you have to do is approve it. Expense reports are also conveniently located in one place. The connection with the Tax Board is a very handy tool – it saves on clicks and time, and allows you to submit tax returns to the Tax Board in a single click.’

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